Monday, December 7, 2009

Butting Heads with WCF Development

I'm currently working on a project where there is a Silverlight client calling an outer, externally accessible WCF service, which in turn calls an internal WCF service. My goal is to have the user authenticate and their identity propagated on each WFC operation call, without some sneaky reliance on ASP.NET's FormsAuthentication. I've actually had such a sneaky-method half-working three times now, but I feel bad about it.

The most likely "good" solution I keep encountering in wild web entails sending the username and password credentials from the Silverlight client to the outer WCF service as ClientCredentials, validating them in a custom UserNamePasswordValidator and hooking up my own custom MembershipProvider. Then, passing just the username down to the inner WCF service on the outer service's ClientCredentials, trusting that username implicitly, and again hooking up my own custom MembershipProvider.

However, to use any form of credentials passing in WCF, you must either have transport-level security or message-level security. Out of the box, transport-level security means SSL while message-level security means certificates. Here the fun begins.

I'll gladly use transport-level SSL security. Its good enough for now and its relatively easy. Mind you, I don't necessarily need SSL between the outer-service and inner-service, but I can live with that. Unfortunately, Visual Studio's default web environment, Cassini (WebDev.WebServer.exe) does not support SSL. I suspect this limitation isn't just to torture developers trying to do legitimate things, but to prevent cheapskates from trying to run their public production web applications on it. .

Without SSL, WCF refuses to even attempt to propagate any credentials, giving quite descriptive error messages like "Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint with binding BasicHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are [http]" and "Give up all hope." It restricts this to protect us from ourselves. I would argue they could at least accept SSL from localhost. This would still thwart the cheapskates while exonerating most of the developers wrongly punished by this limitation.

So I can't accomplish what I want to accomplish in my current development workstation and configuration. Temporarily peeling myself off of that brick wall, I downloaded the WCF Samples and started investigating message-level security. After much tinkering, I encountered a missing test certificate, so I followed the happy, simple instructions to execute their provided batch file. I was greeted with a handful of errors, including some Access Denied. I tried again from a command prompt with greater privileges and got a different set of errors.

So I turned around and went back to the brick wall that was SSL, this time aiming to have Visual Studio use IIS instead of Cassini. I went to the Web project properties of my WCF project and selected "Use Local IIS Web Server". When I attempted to save, I was slapped with this ominous error:

To access local IIS Web Sites, you must install the following IIS components: IIS6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility Windows Authentication. In addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account. For more information, press F1. With little expectation, I pressed F1. I was not disappointed -- only because I had such low expectations to begin with: nothing happened.

Now I suspect a part of this problem is me. I'm still new to WCF, having only worked with it for a few months. I've not been to any professional training courses on WCF, and only have one book about it and have only read a couple hundred blogs, articles and MSDN references.

But is there also a lack of support for simple developer environments?

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