A week or so ago, I came across
LWUIT -- the Light-Weight User Interface Toolkit. Basically, it's a robust user interface library for JME. Its intended to provide consistent rendering on multiple platforms, allow for pluggable look and feel and offer a Swing-like programming experience. This sounded interesting enough to be to detour me from the
Adroid Developer Kit I had just downloaded.

So, I looked for an excuse to build something with LWUIT. I'm quite smitten with purpose-built applications like
Google Maps Mobile over web cousins, especially on a limited platform like a mobile phone. Some of the common functions I need to perform (OK, want to perform) on my mobile phone include things like looking up "the name of that one guy in that one movie" on IMDB, or settling a lunch-time argument via Wikipedia. Launching
Opera Mini, picking the Speed Dial for
Wapedia, anf then finally entering my search is too much of a hassle for this old cloudweaver.
So, I opted to write a first-class Google Search mobile application with LWUIT. I've since realized it is a painful user experience since one you pick a result, it exits the app and launches the mobile platform's browser. Still, it was a valuable learning experience. It was very easy to leverage
Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC,
Nokia's Series 40 Platform SDK,
eclipse ME,
Google's RESTful search API, a
JME library for JSON, and LWUIT to build a functional user interface. Come to think of it, buildign it was easy but assembling the technologies was quite a quest! And here were some frustrating things I had to learn since I've not touched JME since it was J
2Me, but that is fixed overhead now spent.
It needs some polish, but that won't take long. Ha! Who am I kidding? I never finish these projects -- starting them is the fun part!
1 comment:
Can you state the instructions clearly on how to make that LWUIT search engine? cause i wanted to make one
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